Patti Schultz
Meet Patti Schultz from Interlochen, MI. Patti has been diagnosed with lupus for 29 years.
Patti’s Story:
I was initially diagnosed with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease: RA, Dermatomyositis, Scleroderma & Lupus. Along with Raynaud’s and RA, 3 years later I met the criteria for SLE and no longer MCTD. My initial symptoms included swollen joints, fatigue, muscle pain and face rash. My symptoms today include bone pain, fatigue, rashes & oral ulcers that come and go.
Lupus has affected every organ system over the years. In 2013, I had a kidney transplant and since the transplant and medication for the transplant, life with lupus has been easier. Today's main non-flare symptoms include bone pain from osteonecrosis and fatigue.
What's one piece of advice you would give to someone who is newly diagnosed?: Learn to understand your labs and keep good records.
What is one misconception you wish you could change about lupus?: That there is no cure yet!!
What brings you joy?: Family time and crafting card and board games.